Coral Wedding Bouquets

The brightest new color on trend in 2019 is Living Coral. Be ready to see this warm, enticing shade everywhere you look this year, including weddings! This animated and life-affirming color will bring a modern touch to your traditional nuptials, tying generations together and showcasing this moment in time. The floral designers at Conklyn’s Weddings feel that one of the best ways to include Living Coral in your wedding is simply with your floral arrangements and bouquets. Some of the best wedding flowers look amazing in shades of coral.

Coral Peonies While peonies are native to China and have rich ties to royalty as a result, they also have legends dating back to Greek mythology that give them the characteristics of meaning bashfulness and compassion. These sweet, unimposing blooms make beautiful statements in a wedding bouquet. Choose coral peonies to represent the prosperity, happiness and honor you’ll experience in your marriage.

Coral Roses We know all roses carry special meaning, depending on which colors are represented. Coral roses, specifically, signify enthusiasm and desire. What beautiful traits to showcase at a wedding! Bring your enthusiasm and desire for each other into your marriage when you include coral roses in your wedding arrangements.

Coral Tulips With their smooth texture and lovely shape, tulips are easily recognized and generally enjoyed as beautiful, traditional flowers. Their primary meaning is perfect love, making them ideal for a wedding ceremony. Tulips were originally part of the art and cultural scene in Persia and Turkey, but their popularity among Europeans resulted in a transition to The Netherlands, where we associate them today. Bring an artistic twist to your wedding with coral tulips in your bouquet.

The inclusion of a trendy, modern color like Living Coral will be the bridge in your wedding where tradition meets innovation. Bring the excitement and joy of such a bright shade into your life together by including you favorite flowers that tell your story in this vibrant hue. Talk to the floral artisans at Conklyn’s Weddings about the best flowers to represent you and your spouse on your wedding day and how to let Living Coral be part of that design.

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