Coral Wedding Bouquets

The brightest new color on trend in 2019 is Living Coral. Be ready to see this warm, enticing shade everywhere you look this year, including weddings! This animated and life-affirming color will bring a modern touch to your traditional nuptials, tying generations together and showcasing this moment in time. The floral designers at Conklyn’s Weddings […]

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Floral Gifts For The Beautiful Bride

It’s like getting her bridal bouquet early. Yes, we’re talking about giving a flower-inspired gift this holiday season to your beloved bride. We’ve handpicked 5 floral presents below, and we can all but guarantee that they will become cherished items and meaningful mementos. Pretty, Fragrant, Hydrating Rosewater There’s nothing more refreshing, toning and delicious-smelling than […]

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